
Creative Ways to Use Wallpaper

Wallpaper is a piece of décor that has been around for centuries. It’s a great way to create the look you want without painting the wall. Wallpapersfor the wall come in practically any design, pattern or color you can think of. Wallpaper has evolved over the years and so have its applications. It is no longer limited to the wall. There are many creative ways you can use wallpaper around the home. 1      Adding interest to bookshelves: Do you want to add a pop of color to your room? You do not have to wallpaper the walls to do it. You can instead use wallpaper on the back of your bookshelf. This is an easy and creative way to add a touch of color and interest in your room. It is especially beneficial for renters who may not be allowed to make changes to their walls. 2.     Creating wall art: Not sure what type of art to hang on your walls? You can use wallpaper to draw attention to your walls. Look for interesting prints and colors and cut them to the